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AICTE Chairman Introduces New Guidelines to Boost Industry-Academia Collaboration

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AICTE Chairman Introduces New Guidelines to Boost Industry-Academia Collaboration | ABHAY ANAND | New Delhi,  Jun 19, 2024 |

Prof. Sitharam announced that AICTE will soon introduce initiatives to fund Professors of Practice, with AICTE assuming the responsibility of remunerating 100 women PoP under the BHARTI initiative.

The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has taken a significant step towards bridging the gap between academic theory and practical application. AICTE Chairman Prof. TG Sitharam has unveiled guidelines aimed at enhancing Industry-Academia Mobility. These guidelines include the appointment of Professors of Practice (PoP), Associate and Assistant PoP, increasing the mobility of women PoP under the BHARATI (Boosting Higher Education through Assimilation of Resilient and Talented Indian Women) initiative, and facilitating knowledge exchange. While unveiling the guidelines, AICTE Chairman highlighted, “This comprehensive framework underscores our commitment to excellence in higher education and fostering strong, sustainable linkages between academia and industry. The role of Professor of Practice bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, enriching the academic environment with real-world insights. Encouraging the appointment of Women Professors of Practice is a significant step towards gender equality in higher education and the professional sphere. These guidelines promote gender diversity, inclusivity, and seamless industry-academia collaboration, ensuring meritocracy remains central.”Prof. Sitharam announced that AICTE will soon introduce initiatives to fund Professors of Practice, with AICTE assuming the responsibility of remunerating 100 women PoP under the BHARTI initiative. He emphasized that this scheme will enable distinguished professionals and industry experts, particularly those who have experienced a career break, to make a successful comeback.

AICTE Vice Chairman Dr. Abhay Jere commented, “Recognizing that acquiring 15 years of experience for the role of Professor of Practice can be challenging, we have introduced guidelines to appoint Associate Professors of Practice and Assistant Professors of Practice. These additional roles will ensure that a broader range of experienced professionals can contribute to our academic environment.” He commended the committee, chaired by Prof. G.D. Yadav and the Policy and Academic Planning Bureau of AICTE, for their dedicated efforts in preparing the comprehensive guidelines and shaping a framework that balances the inclusion of industry expertise with the academic rigor required for our institutions. “This initiative will undoubtedly enhance the quality of education and industry-academia collaboration, benefitting both students and the professional community,” he added. The appointment of Professors of Practice is essential for bridging the gap between theory and practice in higher education. These professionals align academic curricula with industry needs, providing students with a deeper understanding of how theoretical concepts are applied in real-world scenarios. Their practical experience enhances student employability by exposing them to current industry practices, trends, and challenges. Moreover, Professors of Practice bring valuable industry connections, offering students internship opportunities, mentorship, and job placements.Furthermore, the mobility of professionals between academia and industry is crucial for creating a dynamic and conducive educational environment. This bi-directional flow facilitates knowledge transfer, with industry professionals bringing practical insights to academia and academics applying their research to real-world problems. – CourtesyWatch Youtube Video –  Launch of the Guidelines for Industry – Academia Mobility Appointment of Professor of Practice (PoP)

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